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Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions about
Below are answers to some of the most common questions we receive regarding our site. Please review these frequently asked questions before contacting us with your questions.
- Are the images really free?- Where do the images come from?
- What are sponsored images?
- Can I use this image for...?
- Do I need to provide a link to your site if I use an image?
- What is a model release, and do I need one?
- Can I contribute images to your site?
Are the images really free?
Yes, it is completely free to download and use images on our site, as long as you follow the image license terms of use as described on the download page. The costs of hosting this website and providing the images are covered by advertising and donations. If you find the images on this site useful, please help us grow by making a donation or by telling your friends about it!
Where do the images come from?
The images available on our site come from a variety of sources. Below is a short description of some of the sources we use:
- Staff Photographers - Our site has photographers on staff that create images exclusively for our site.
- User Contributions - A select few images are provided by contributors who have offered their work to be distributed through our site.
- Purchased Images - has also paid for distribution rights from various image production companies and photographers.
- Other Websites - Some of our images come from other websites that have images licensed in a way that permits redistribution through our site.
- Vintage Books - Our Vintage Collection is a new project we are undertaking to increase our image library, and preserve classic work at the same time! Images in this collection have been scanned and digitally transferred by our staff directly from the original works. Images published in the United States prior to 1923 have fallen in the Public Domain. This is our attempt to save many of these classic images from the trash bin. Each image in this collection also contains the full source information, so you can tell exactly where the image came from.
What are sponsored images?
To help cover the cost of providing our images for free, we do include "sponsored images" in our search results. Sponsored images are provided by 3rd party stock photo companies, and may require payment or registration to use the image.
Can I use this image for...?
The images on this site are available under various different licenses, depending on the source of the image. Each type of license may have different permitted or restricted uses.On every image download page is a link to the license that covers that particular image. You need to review the license information to determine if a use is permitted or not. If you have a specific question that is not covered in the license information, feel free to contact us with your specific question.
Do I need to provide a link to your site if I use an image?
No, you normally do not need to attribute the image to our site, unless it is licensed with a Creative Commons Attribution license, which DOES require attribution to the original author of the image. Be sure to review the image license associated with the image to know for sure if attribution is required or not.Although not required, we always appreciate any attribution that may help others learn about our site!
What is a model release, and do I need one?
If an image contains an identifiable person, certain uses of the image may require a signed model release. Lack of a model release may limit the manner in which the image is used, especially for commercial purposes. The model release status is listed, if applicable, on the image download page.
- Model Release: YES - This person has agreed to and signed a model release with the copyright owner or to allow this image to be distributed under the terms of this license agreenment. Copies of model releases may be made available by request under certain circumstances, but not all. To make such a request, please use the Contact Form on this site. For most uses of this image, obtaining a copy of the model release is not required.
- Model Release: NO - To our knowledge, this person has not agreed to nor signed a model release with the copyright owner or to allow this image to be distributed under the terms of this license agreenment. Typically, these images fall under editorial use only and may not be used for commercial purposes. Users downloading images that are designated as "editorial use" image assume full responsibility for their use of the image(s). Depending on your use, the use of editorial use images may require additional rights that or the copyright owner may or may not be able to provide. You should consult with your legal counsel to be sure your use is legal. These editorial use images are not model released and are intended for Editorial Use only.
Can I contribute images to your site?
Yes, we are always looking for new images from contributors. Please contact us for more information.